Project Lead: Marshal Conley
One of the most common questions asked by district and school leaders when addressing emerging or ongoing challenges is “What are other schools and districts doing?” District and school leaders are currently planning how best to use the large influx of American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) funds to support student learning. In addition, state departments of education received large amounts of ARP ESSER funds that they will use as outlined in their approved ARP ESSER plans. State, district, and school leaders will be looking for examples of how other districts and schools are effectively implementing evidence-based practices (EBPs).
The Region 9 Comprehensive Center (R9CC) gathered information to highlight successful evidence-based strategies implemented by schools, districts, or regional offices that exemplify good work happening within the region either in response to COVID-19 or reflecting how previous work helped them support student success during the pandemic. The project focused on topics aligned to the state strategic plans, Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) plan, or ARP ESSER plans. R9CC gathered information through interviews, focus groups, and other data sources and created deliverables that align to the needs and goals of Illinois and Iowa. Working with ISBE, Iowa Department of Education, Illinois Student Advisory Council and other partners, R9CC disseminated the deliverables through a variety of mediums across the region to share best practices.