Corrin Pitluck, PhD, serves as evaluator for a range of projects at the American Institutes for Research (AIR), including the Region 9 Comprehensive Center. She has served as an internal evaluator for federally funded comprehensive centers at AIR since 2014. Currently, she supports both the Region 1 and Region 9 Comprehensive Centers, and she evaluated the Midwest and Southeast Comprehensive Centers in the previous grant cycle. In the current grant, Dr. Pitluck evaluates projects conducted by centers serving a total of six states by developing logic models, tracking progress, communicating formative feedback, evaluating fidelity of implementation, and reporting on project completion and overall center performance promptly. Dr. Pitluck further supports comprehensive center work by providing quality assurance on qualitative data collection tools and participating on a team chaired by the U.S. Department of Education to establish consistency across comprehensive center evaluations nationally.
Since 2016, Dr. Pitluck has served on an evaluation team that is documenting the impact of multiple initiatives focused on improving equitable outcomes for community college students funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Additional evaluation projects have focused on dual credit programs in public school systems in both Illinois and Hawaii and the implementation of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics magnet programs in Chicago Public Schools. Dr. Pitluck earned her PhD from the University of Wisconsin–Madison.